Monday, March 19, 2007

Sailing on the Ganges: 8-9th March.

On the 8th of March we commenced our 2 day trip to Varanasi via the river Ganges. After a speedy breakfast, a visit to the first president of India’s house and a never ending bus ride to the riverside we split into 3 groups and clambered onto our half row/half sailing boats. We rowed for 5 hours on the first day and this was not too enjoyable for Armelle as she suffered from sudden bouts of diarrhea and had to request on several occasions to moor quickly! That evening we camped on a sand island with its own pit toilet disguised by canvas. Throughout the nights we thanked our lucky stars for our mosquito head nets, citronella drenched pillows and cosy sleeping bags, which Jess succumbed to in the middle of the night. The following day was occupied by more rowing, a nauseous Armelle and a stomach cramped Jess. We were on the quarantine boat as we happened to be on the same boat as a very poorly pair of Finns! Once we reached our landing point we climbed into waiting jeeps to whisk us to Varanasi.


Christian said...

yeah girls,
that reads like a really exciting trip.
so keep on rowing and rocking.
keep an eye an you both.

hasta luego

Anonymous said...

ooh dear you poor little puddings! hope youre fine now hehexxxxx Clairexxxxx