Thursday, May 03, 2007

Wellington: 16th April.

We arrived into Wellington after being escorted by the lumpy seas for 2-3 hours as well as a flurry of dolphins. Armelle was slightly sea-sick so battled the winds on deck for a while, to regain her consciousness, although this made for good picture opportunities. Jess was engrossed in her book and enjoying the warmth of the cabin. On arrival, we felt like we were in a different country. There were PEOPLE, motorways which were FULL but fortunately we had little trouble finding our TOP 10 campsite amongst the onslaught of traffic! We have reached a happy conclusion that Armelle is best navigating (Becca- you hearing this!) and Jess is best driving in city situations. Armelle became ridiculously overexcited when we realised that the ferry that we had just travelled on the way over was an original Pride of Cherbourg P& O ferry which has been dodgily covered up- what a small world! Anyhow, that evening we did the mandatory laundry, dinner, shower and an early night to explore Wellington first thing. We had the grand time allowance of 3 and a half hour to sight see in Wellington before having to head north to Taupo. Wellington made a good impression on us even though we were naughty and shopped most of our time away! We did, however, hop on the cable car and got a wicked view of the capital as a reward.
A stroll along the waters edge was our next activity, constantly being taken over by lunch time joggers. We grabbed our lunch from Cleopatra and munched away by the marina beside the TePapa museum in the sunshine.

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